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How to Properly Format Your Bio Data

The old saying goes, the first impression could be your last. While it is an old saying, it still holds true, especially when it comes to getting a job. At this point, you should have your cover letter completed, and it should be ready to go. Now it is time to turn to your biodata.

When a position is advertised in the paper, applications pour in like water, the hiring officer for a company has their work cut out for them. They will spend days reading resumes from people all over the advertising area, which can be a pretty large space. This is the reason your cover letter and your resume must be pristine and well organized.

Biodata allows the potential employer to learn more about you than a simple background check can provide. It gives them a brief overview of your resume and is mostly geared to outline your personal data and your education experience. This allows them to determine whether the college or university you went to teaches the core subjects and the core information that they need you to know starting the job. It also lets them know what your career objectives are.  Here is the proper format for your biodata and what to include

The Header of your Document

The beginning of your document should begin with resume, followed by your name, age, date of birth and your communication address. This information is important, as the will use the majority of this to do a background check on you.

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Phone Number and Email

Underneath the header of your document, you should have your contact information. This information should be your phone number and your Email Address. It should be formatted as follows:

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Education Information

In the third portion of your biodata, you should include information regarding your education experience as well as information regarding the institution itself.

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This information should be included for each educational facility you have attended, and for all certifications you have obtained.

Location of the Biodata Sheet

The biodata sheet is the page that directly follows the cover sheet. It is followed directly by the work experience portion of a resume. The more education you have that pertains to the job at hand, the more likely you are to get the job of your dreams.

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