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Dear Publisher,

Thank you for your interest in submitting a guest post to our blog! We welcome contributions from bloggers who are passionate about our topics and want to share their expertise with our audience.

Pricing is confidential: please request the prices at [email protected]

Our Guest Post Websites:



Before submitting your post, please read and follow these guidelines:



– Your post must be original and not previously published elsewhere.

– Your post must be well-written, informative, and engaging.

– Your post must be at least 850 words in length.

– Your post should be free of spelling and grammar errors.

– Your post must not be promotional or sales-oriented.

– Your post should include relevant images or videos (with proper attribution).

– Forbidden topics include spam, gambling, casino, adult, adult-related products, supplements-related content, and drug-related content (forbidden means forbidden, it can’t be negotiated!)


If you agree on the rules:


Request a contributor account by sending an email.

To: [email protected]

Object: Account request

Once you have your account you can submit your post and request.


Thank you for considering submitting a guest post to our blog. We appreciate your contribution and look forward to working with you!


Any question? send an e-mail to: [email protected]