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Most of us, at some point of our life, will have to get away form the current company or organization. For most of us, resignation letter writing always has an uncomfortable feel. Even if you are very unhappy with your job, bringing out a resignation letter maybe very difficult. But these letters are a formality and have to be done in most cases. So let us see some examples on how to make this daunting task simple and easy.

Be positive

Don’t groove over your resignation letter. Just keep it brief and simple. Always maintain a positive tone too. If you are planning to write a resignation letter, you have decided to quit the job. There can be no point in criticizing or complaining about the company you are leaving. So thank your employer(s) for the opportunities you got in your work time and appreciate any specific events and memories. Derogatory comments can bring down your image instead of the company’s and you may even face legal trouble.


Importance of drafting a perfect letter

Resignation letters are included in your employment file and data. Even if you are leaving from a very unhappy company, do not express negative opinions about your employer, subordinates, colleagues, seniors or your company. This may affect your future work hirers.

The etiquette

It is always recommended to first resign in person to the boss concerned. Only then the resignation letter should follow. You can also send a resignation email if you wish.

The basic details

You don’t always need to specify why you are leaving. Just mention the date from which your resignation is effective. The resignation letter is often a formality to announce your last working day. So mention your last working day. Also, specify the role form which you are resigning.

Here are some brief examples

Dear manager,

  • Use ‘dear’ or a plain ‘Manager’ for the salutation.


   I am writing to you to inform my resignation from my current role as an xxx service manager of the xxx division of the xxx company.

  • This is a very simple bare format. If you were really happy with the company, then you may make it a little personal.

It is with great sadness and regret that I inform you of my resignation from the xxx position of the xxx company.


  • Specify the date of resignation and your last working day.

My resignation is effective from xxx. As per the contract, I am giving the xxx company with 4 weeks notice.


  • It is always a good courtesy to give some time to your employer to find another person to fill your space. So even if your contract terms do not mention it, submit your notice before 2 weeks.

My last working day here will be xx/xx/xxxx.

  • This is usually enough said. But if you like, you may add a few more personal terms for your employer.

I greatly enjoyed my role here and will always have some fond memories. I wish everyone at the xxx company a continued success.


  • That’s it! Sign off and date your letter.

Resignation letters must let you move on with satisfaction. Draft a polite letter to leave on good terms.

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